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Monday, September 17, 2007

It's that Time Again

Well it is Monday again. It seems it is always Monday. The good thing about Monday's is that it is a great time to start fresh with a new work week. Improve things you want to improve, make some changes. We were supposed to have a big change today on Random Encounters of We, but we are still working on it. It will happen before Friday because that is when we are leaving on vacation for 10 days and we definitely want to leave a good brand new note!

How is your Monday starting out so far? I have already made cookies this morning, that's what type of day I am headed up against. I am excited for the improvements and change that will happen this week. Anything new going to change on your blog this week? Let me know and I'll come check it out.


Our blog contest ends on Wednesday so be sure to visit that post to find out how to get as many entries as you can!

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