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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Email Orders

It has recently come to my attention that most people probably do not have an Etsy account. So in order to reach more people and be as successful as I can be, I would love to invite anyone interested to order an I Spy Bag through my email. If you have seen an I Spy Bag on the store site ( that you would like please email me the description and I can sell it over email. If there isn't one on the site you like but would still like to order one please email me. I have a lot of really cute fabric that is in the process of becoming an I Spy Bag, they just aren't finished. I am preparing for this busy holiday shopping weekend and for Cyber Monday. If you would like to specify that the I spy bag is for a girl or boy so the choice of fabric is appropriate that would be great! Please send your email orders to purseplace.etsy at (email broken up to discourage spammers) Also, please feel free to tell your friends, family and anyone you think would be interested!

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    Monday, November 2, 2009

    Gay Marriage Vote Looms in Maine; Polls Show It's Close

    It is time to get out and vote again to defend marriage. This time it is happening in Maine. Stand for Marriage Maine! This is a paragraph taken from one of the articles that sickens me:

    Gay Marriage Vote Looms in Maine; Polls Show It's Close: "'If they can win in Maine, it would be historic,' warned Marc Mutty, chairman of the Stand for Marriage Maine campaign, in a recent fund-raising letter. 'They will use a victory to attempt to convince the media that the mood of the nation has changed and that it is time for America to also abandon the God-created idea of marriage.'"

    This country is already gone so far out from being a God centered country. This country was founded on God and succeeds only through help from God. As this country and its leaders get further and further from God so shall the success of this nation. If you are from Maine or know people in Maine call them up, go support marriage and show the rest of this country and the world that we still believe and rely on God and His ways! Defend marriage and family!

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