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Friday, June 5, 2009

Jewelry Update

Ok so I posted about that jewelry website where you can get sterling silver pieces for free (but really with $6.99 for shipping) Well I found one piece that I thought was pretty unique and I ordered it. It arrived about a week or so later and it is beautiful! I am now a full fledged supporter of the site and can say that they will not take your almost seven dollars and run with it! :) Also, if you don't have a silver chain the sport your new pendant with you can purchase one of those for $4. Pretty good deal. I already had a chain so for now I can't vouch for those.

I would like to think of myself as a jewelry wearer, but I'm not. Besides the wedding ring I don't usually wear jewelry, but this doesn't stop me from purchasing it. When I remember I will throw something on for church or for a party, but as soon as I walk in the door it immediately comes off. I'm not sure why it bugs me so much, I wish it didn't. But none the less, if I find another piece of sterling silver jewelry from that site that I love, I will purchase!! Take a look and see if there is anything for you!

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Your Money

I have been hearing a lot on the news lately about how MY MONEY is being spent. Mostly these talks are referring to how tax payers money is getting spent by the stimulus and such. I am frustrated by these reports because a lot of these things MY MONEY is getting spent on are useless (in my opinion of course). On top of this there is NOTHING I can do about this. If I want a say in my money going places I have to vote, well I do vote, but the people that win are usually corrupt government officials that don't have my best interest at heart at all. The biggest corruption of all is the highest position in the USA, so for the next 4 years we are pretty much toast with what he does with my hard earned tax payer money. Get ready for an awful bumpy ride folks!

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California Upholds Gay Marriage Ban!

Good job California. Just when I thought you were a big waste of space and a breeding ground for evil you come through and conquer this battle (for now). The article I read about was here on yahoo news. I was feeling very nervous for the people of California, but I am so relieved that the Supreme Court realized that regardless of their own opinions, the voters have spoken and they wanted marriage to remain between one man and one woman. Hopefully this move by California will show other states contemplating gay marriage to stop. Although the gay marriage ban holds they also decided to let the 18,000+ gay couples who got married while it was legal to remain married. This makes no sense. If the legal definition in California of marriage is one man and one woman then those marriages are invalid, but whatever. I'll take the bigger victory. Of course gay rights activists will take up this fight once more and try to get it on the ballot again and again until they get their way. I believe they eventually will get their way, but now goodness has won over evil and gay marriage is banned!

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