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Friday, July 6, 2007

Frogs 'n Fireflies

There are a couple new creatures from nature that are are abundantly around the Midwest. Besides the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland I have never seen a firefly before we moved to Kansas. They are so fun to watch. We have gone out and caught a couple to get a good look at them. They fly very slow so it is easy to catch them. We love to go out to our gazebo and sit outside and watch the fireflies at night.

The frogs on the other hand I don't find so cute. They are very little and they are everywhere. When we drive places on warm days they are all over the road and so we are swerving all over the place to try and avoid them. Luckily we don't have them in our yard, but when we go to the parks or some of our friends houses they are all over the grass. There are little frogs and toads. It's amazing how different Kansas is from California.

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