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Friday, July 27, 2007

Multiple Trash Cans

Where we lived in California we had three trash cans and three different sanitation trucks came to pick up each one. One garbage can was for normal trash, one was for green waste, and the other for recycling. I really enjoyed being able to separate the garbage and just having to put it out on the curb to get picked up. Here in Kansas we get one trash can. If you want to recycle you have to find a recycling center and do it yourself. If you have green waste, you CANNOT put it in the normal garbage can, somehow you have to get it to the dump yourself. This means that you cannot bag your grass when you mow it unless you are prepared to get it to the dump. People with trucks obviously don't have too big of an issue getting things to the dump, but those of us with sedans have a hard time putting bags and bags of grass in our trunk and taking it to the dump. This means we do not bag our grass, we just let it fall onto the grass. We don't go out and play on our grass because of this. We really hate to do this, but we feel we have no other choice. I now really appreciate all the different trash cans and different garbage men who came to collect it, because we are having a harder time here with the waste situation.

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    Scot said...

    I don't know your housing situation, but have you ever considered composting kitchen and yard waste?

    RandomEncounters said...

    I haven't considered that. I don't know anything about it, so I'll look into it. Thanks for the suggestion!
