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Monday, October 1, 2007

Cruise Highlights

Well we are back! We had a fabulous time, it was very sad to get off the cruise ship this morning. I wanted to share a couple of the highlights of our 9 day Alaskan cruise with you.
We were on the ship Vision of the Seas. This trip to Alaska was a repositioning cruise and the very last time this ship will ever go to Alaska. The guidelines have been heightened and this ship no longer meets the requirements to be able to sail in Alaska. This was also one of the last cruises of the season so both of these things meant some great sales!!
A very fun thing about cruising is the cute towel animals left in your room every night. We had many different animals. Some of them were this cute elephant, a monkey, a frog, scorpion (not so cute!) and a penguin. We had one every night but I don't remember all of them (isn't that sad I'm already forgetting things about my vacation!)
While in Alaska we stopped in Juno, Skagway and Ketchikan. Ketchikan was by far my most favorite town of all of them. It was a ton of fun. I had never been to Alaska and although the weather was awful it was beautiful!
This is my husband and me on the out of a deck freezing. We had a blast!!
My most favorite part of cruising is definitely the food. There is some great food and a lot of it on a cruise! This particular dish was shrimp and lobster. It was very tasty. I am sad to be leaving all the great food on the cruise and I am even more sad to have to start cooking again, but now I have motivation to save my pennies so I can go on another cruise soon!

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    ~Crystal~ said...

    It looks like you had so much fun. I have never been on a cruise yet, but from what I see, I need to start planning for one now.
    Thanks for sharing!

    Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

    Hey there, found you on I'm going on a cruise in November and I'm looking forward to the animal shaped towels and food! Shrimp and lobster in particular! Read that you were looking for some blog tips. Just my little 2 cents, join if you haven't already and design a cute little header image for your blog. :-)

    RandomEncounters said...

    Crystal- I definitely recommend cruising! It is a blast. I would start planning one for a year or two in advance to give you time to save up some money for it.

    Sheena- Thanks for the input. I have joined mybloglog and I have noticed that the people with the cute icons get clicked more often. We are in the process of designing a cute icon to hopefully help boost our traffic. Have fun on your cruise in November! I'm jealous!!
