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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Blog Review: Allinanchor


Allinanchor is an internet marketing blog. This blog is pumped full of so much information that it will definitely take a couple times reading to get caught up. This blog is very user friendly in the sense that the terminology and language can be understood by the average person. This blog will definitely help you improve your blog, your blog's traffic and understanding of internet marketing. Through my wanderings of Allinanchor I have become very interested in what the author has to say and so it will definitely be thrown into my reading rotation.


This very organized blog is in a three column template made up of blue and cream hues. It is very neat and clean, making it very easy to read. The posts are a good length, not too long. I find that I am more willing to keep reading blogs with posts that aren't too long. These posts are informative and a great length. The sidebars don't include anything distracting to the content, so that is nice.

Favorite Post

My favorite post on Allinanchor is about SEO entitled SEO is Easy. I have said on multiple occasions that I don't really understand the ins and outs of SEO. This post definitely sums up the basics of SEO in language I can understand. It also puts a different perspective on SEO than I have read on other blogs by saying that "SEO isn't hard, it's expensive." I found that interesting.

I think if you are trying to improve your blog and learn more about how to market your blog, this blog will definitely help your efforts. I look forward to reading more and continue to read Allinanchor.

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