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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Time to Prepare

My family has been having a family crisis this past week. My father found out his sister is in the hospital and this next week she may pass away. These events have led me to ponder the consequences of death on a family. My Aunt has no money and no way to pay for any of these medical bills and potential funeral bills. For this reason it is important to have life insurance. When you pass away your bills don't disappear and putting on a funeral and taking care of those arrangements cost thousands of dollars. That would be an awful burden to place on your family you have left behind.

There are many companies and websites that can help you get your life insurance set up. One of them is called Life Insure. They have several policies and have a system of giving you an instant quote depending on how much life insurance you want and where you live. I have heard that you should have at least five times your yearly salary.

My husband has life insurance that we pay for and his company gives him some life insurance but we aren't nearly covered enough. I don't have any life insurance and I need to get some. If anything were to happen to me and my husband I would want my daughter to be financially taken care of for a while. I'm going to get a quote for my husband at Life Insure and if you don't have any insurance, maybe you should look into it also.

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    Sweet Pea 48 said...

    Sorry to hear about your aunt. That's very sad. Yes, it is always good to have life insurance. I was just having that conversation with my husband too.

    Chan Hope said...

    hi ... i had added ur link in blogoll pls add mine too ....

    Dominic said...

    Great blog you have here. Thank you for your advice on life insurance, we need more people to promote insurance awareness. God has His plan for your Aunt. Whatever happen, hope she's happy.

    Unknown said...

    yes yes yes, i cannot stress the importance of life insurance. it's one of the most valuable things you can get in life. my friends mother just passed, and she had life insurance but not enough to cover all the funeral expenses. this is what happens when you get life insurance too late in life. it has no value. so i am looking for a globe life insurance
    policy for my family at the moment. and i'm going to make sure it's enough.
