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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Time Sure Flies

When I was younger my Mom used to always tell me that I was growing up too fast and she wished she could keep me her little girl. I always thought this was funny because to me time was going slow. School was hard, and I had friends to play with and activities to attend. Time wasn't flying by for me. Then all of the sudden I was getting married and graduating from college, and it seemed time did fly by. This week was my daughter's second birthday and boy, has time flown by with her. It seems we just brought her home from the hospital and now here she is a big two year old. She is becoming very independent and she definitely has her own opinions about things. I'm sad that she is growing up so fast, but I'm so proud of her and how grown up she is and the and delightful young lady she is turning into. I now really understand my Mom's position when she told me time was flying by.

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