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Friday, October 5, 2007


A large majority of the readers of this blog come from different countries than the U.S. Right now I would like to turn my attention to those of you from London. Have you heard of Gumtree? It is an online community that is a lot like classifieds. Some of the topics in the Gumtree are places to rent, and jobs in London.

I love to visit sites like this because there is always so much to learn about. It seems people are always in need of something and Gumtree definitely has that something. My husband and I are currently browsing the market for a car at an affordable price. I love to go to online communities where people lists things like this that they have for sale.

Going to Gumtree to check out what your community in London has for sale, for rent or for any need you may currently have is a great way to support your community and your neighbors. There are hundred of listings in tons of topics. Whatever you are searching for, I'm sure it is there.

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