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Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Reviews: Lisa Reviews


Lisa Reviews is a blog where Lisa "reviews on the things you want to know about." On this blog Lisa reviews products, movies, books, stores... pretty much anything. It is really interesting going through the various items and getting her opinion on that item. There were a couple movie reviews on her blog of movies I had seen so it was interesting to read her opinion of them.


This blog has a three column design with a blue color pattern. Things are neatly organized. The sides bars to display widgets of the various social sites she is a member of such as MyBlogLog. If you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page she has neatly organized her recent posts, recent comments and ads. I really like this format for a blog. She also has some tabs on the top to help the readers navigation. One of the tabs contains her categories. I really like this feature, it really keeps the side bars neat and clean to have a separate location for all the different topics she reviews.

Favorite Post

My favorite post was her review of the movie Flushed Away. She says she took a while to see it because she heard bad reviews. I haven't heard any reviews of it, but it also took us a while to see it, and I thought it was hilarious. We enjoyed it as much as she did.

This blog is full of great items and reviews and worth checking out. I always like to get a second opinion on things so you may find it here. If she doesn't have something you are looking for on this site, perhaps you can email her and ask her to do a review of something for you, that could be a great new tactic to get the readers involved and bring in more traffic. Head on over and check out Lisa Reviews.

If you would like me to review your blog please email me at Blog reviews from me only cost $25.

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