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Friday, September 7, 2007

Auction Ads

AuctionAds: Increase the bid on your site's income!
You may notice that my Auction Ads are back! Why you ask? Auctions is trying to improve. They have now given publishers who haven't earned a payout and new publishers who sign up a free $25!! You can't beat that! They have also increased their payouts for affiliate payouts from 2% to 5%. That is a nice increase. In light of their changes I decided to give them another chance. They obviously noticed that they used to be useless and they are trying to improve. I want to help them improve and participate in getting the free $25 so I put the code back up. If you haven't signed up for auction ads yet you can still hurry on over there and sign up for a free $25. If you click on the link in the beginning of this post or the Auction Ads words on the actual ad that will take you to their home page where it will tell you all about the program and how to sign up! I think it is completely worth the free money. Take advantage while the offer still stands!

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