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Saturday, September 1, 2007

Increasing Revenue and Traffic

Well it's a new month and a start of a fresh clean slate. Now is the time to begin new programs to help increase your sites traffic and revenue.

Link Referral

In September I am going to start a new marketing program with Link Referral. If you are interested I have a button on the side bar you can click on that will take you there and tell you about the program. It basically is a blog directory in which you can control how high up you are on the lists by visiting other members sites. This month I will be buying one of the top slots to see how that will improve my blog's performance.


I am very impressed so far with how my ads are doing on Bidvertiser. They have increased my sites revenue by %35. I also have a Bidvertiser button linking to this site if you are interested in seeing how they can help increase your website's traffic and revenue. I will continue my ad programs in September and I am confident all my stats will continue to rise.

Text Link Ads

This program is a little more tricky to participate in the ad program because they have to approve your site, but there is always affiliate sales through text link ads. John Chow just released his August income report and in that report he states that he made a nice chuck of this $17,000+ in August from Text Link Ads. It also is one of John Chows recommended money makers. Again, if you are interested in this program I have a button on the right hand sidebar about half way down. I have enjoyed Text Link Ads and through the constant improvement of my site I also expect this to increase my revenue.

Blog Contests

My first blog contest just ended yesterday. It was a lot of fun to put on and I am excited to continue doing them. I have a great prize idea but I haven't bought all the things that go in the prize pack yet so I'm going to have a mini contest before the big one. I will start this contest on Monday so check back so you can participate!

How are you statistics doing? What programs are you implementing to help increase your blogs traffic and revenue? I would love to hear any suggestions and ideas.

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    ~Crystal~ said...

    I also use Link Referral and I absolutely love it. I have never paid for any part of my use however. I have had great response using it completely free. You will also find that you get higher quality hits than what I have found elsewhere with free traffic exchanges and such.
    Good Luck to you!

    Blogger said...

    In case you are looking into generating money from your traffic by running popup ads - you can embed one of the most reputable companies: Clicksor.
