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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I love to Travel

I really love to travel. We go on family vacation kind of often but we don't really travel abroad. In 2006 we went to South Korea because my husband had to go there on business so I just tagged along. Again I am going to benefit from a business trip and in November we are going to Germany. I am very excited, but not too excited that I am going to overlook my cruise I am leaving for on Friday! All of my recent and upcoming trips always get me in the mood to go to a travel blog.

This is a fun blog to go to because it covers destinations all over the world. This site also talks about different activities and touristy things to do in each destination. They have articles about traveling for different occasions such as your honeymoon and such. This travel blog is a very fun site to check out.

Yesterday was when I found out officially that my daughter and I could tag along so today I have been searching this travel blog to learn more about Germany and check out the Germany travel guide. This is a great resource for all your travel needs.

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