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Friday, September 14, 2007

Keeping my Mind Open

I was just reading over at Kirby's site about ClixSense. On this site when you sign up you get paid to look at ads for 30 seconds. They don't pay you very much per ad, but if you are sitting at the computer anyway, you might as well just keep a window open with different ads showing. I've decided to keep an open mind about this and try it for a day or two and then decide weather or not it is worth it to me. When you refer people you get a portion of what they make. Since I read about this on Kirby's blog I decided to sign up under him. Why not help someone out right? So if you want to check out ClixSense the links in this post will take you there. Just for fair warning they are my refer link so you can help me out while earning money for yourself. You can then tell your readers about it and hope for some referrals! Thanks in advance for the help. Let me know what you think of ClixSense if you are new to the program or experienced.

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    NurseJake said...

    thanks for the mention stef. i appreciate it.

    but hey, you forgot to leave your anchor text for me to display it under my post. Be sure to make it catchy for the readers to click on.

    have a nice day!

    Anonymous said...

    clixsense is a slow but sure way to make money. got paid by them already.
