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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Blog + Website= Blite

The other day I was telling someone about my blogs and what I do. He didn't really understand too much about a blog but his comment was "isn't that just an online journal when you can cry to the world about everything wrong in your life?" I was somewhat offended at his understanding of a blog. From what I understand the definition of a website is that it doesn't get updated, it stays the same and it is used for business purposes. A blog on the other hand gets updated regularly and is for personal use. Well since I use my blog (it is updated everyday) for business purposes I have decided that a lot of us have blites instead of blogs. Let's spread the word that a Blite is the new blog!! If you like this term and think it applies please write a post about this on your blog and feel free to link back here to the home of the "Blite!"

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