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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Traveling to Australia

From the title of this post you may think to yourself "man, she is going on a cruise, to Germany and now to Australia?! That is very lucky for her." Actually I am not going to Australia, but some of you may be so I want to talk about it for a minute. There are three great toursit towns in Australia and let's cover each one.

First Sydney. Sydney is a great tourist draw because that is the symbol of Australia to those of us that aren't from there. The Sydney opera house is the first thing I think of when I hear Australia. There are some great hotels in Sydney that are near the water and have great views.

Melbourne is Australia's second largest city. There are great hotels in Mebourne also as well as some great shopping. There are many boutiques and fine shopping behind non-descript doors. There's something for everyone in Melbourne. It's easy to lose yourself in Melbourne.

Then there is Brisbane which is ever increasing in popularity. This is Australia's third largest city and is growing everyday. There are some charming hotels in Brisbane. Brisbane is just hours away from the other cities by plane and has some great amenities to check out. If you are heading to any of the major cities in Australia here are some great sites to check out, or perhaps visiting the sites will help you decide its time to go to Australia.

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    1 Comment:

    Anonymous said...

    I took a vacation to Ireland this year. I was amazed at the green all over. The wild growing ferns were spectacular. The Ring of Kerry was so beautiful, I wanted to stop every few hundred feet. I would highly recommend a trip to Ireland. Expensive though.
