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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Participation in Blog Contests

Why don't you participate?

I completely understand why people don't participate in blog contests. There is only one prize most of the time and you feel like you'll never win it, or the task to enter into the contest isn't worth your time. But what if everyone else feels that way? Someone has to win and if not too many participate then your odds are good.

Participate! Someone has to win!

With my last blog contest only 5 people participated. That is pathetic, but good odds for those people who participated. Right now I am 2 days into a new blog contest and not one soul is participating right now. I know I haven't given it much of a chance, but still. Two days in and nothing. If only one person participated they will win it, so why doesn't at least one person try? Especially with the current contest where you can get as many entries into it as you want to. It doesn't take a lot of effort to enter. Simple copy and pasting code into a post on your own site will get you as many entries as you would like so why aren't people participating yet? This puts the odds of you winning in your own hands. It's a fun prize so let's have a fun contest! Woohoo!

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    Anonymous said...

    I think there are just too many contest now. It is like an explosion so to speak so maybe people have to pick and choose at this point. That one with all the prizes looks really good though!

    scooter said...

    I agree there are quite a few contests these days but the way I see it is if you enter them you are bound to win something, and who doesent like free stuff!
