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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Pre-Vacation Stress

Tell me if this is normal. I am eight days away from an amazing vacation I have been waiting for since February. It seems the nearer the vacation gets the more stressful everything else becomes. It seems I am running thin on patience. Everything that happens seems to be magnified by 10. For the past couple of months I have had a vacation every month and this has happened every month. From January to July I didn't have one single vacation and I didn't ever get this stressed out. I think my body knows that soon I will be on vacation and life will be wonderful and stress free, but until then my excitement at going on a cruise is making normal life frustrating! Anyway, I'm in survival mode. I just need to make it until next Friday and then I have 10 days of a luxury vacation on a cruise ship! Woohoo!

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