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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Broadway Shows

I have been to New York to see a broadway show twice. Both times the show had been out for a couple months and so I wasn't seeing the original cast. There is something about the original cast that is special, or at least it seems special. Maybe it is just that they are the voices you hear when you get a shows soundtrack, they are the voices you learn to love and look forward to hearing. When I saw Wicked that show had been through many actors and it sounded very different from the soundtrack because everyone has their own style. When I saw The Drowsy Chaperone some of the characters were original and I didn't know much about the show so I hadn't heard the soundtrack. The thing about The Drowsy Chaperone that was amazing is that we were able to see it with Sutton Foster. She in my favorite broadway actress and it was incredible to see her in person! She is now in a new show that is opening in October. That show is Young Frankenstein. I have always told my husband that I would love to fly out to a show that we want to see just so we can see the original cast! I think it is totally worth it. Well we are trying to figure out how we can go to NYC for 1 day to see the show and then fly home. We just moved here and I don't feel like we know anyone enough to ask them to watch our daughter. Our families live too far away for them to come out and watch her. I'm going to have to hint around to a couple of my friends and see what results for dropping hints!! I really want to see this show and Sutton!

I'm going to take this moment to remind you when you donate at least $10 to Random Encounters of We I will send you a 'thank you' gift in the mail!! I need to raise money to go to NYC to see the show!!

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    1 Comment:

    1UP RPG said...

    Good luck getting to Broadway to see the show. I've never been to Broadway, but would love to.


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