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Thursday, September 6, 2007

Fun on Facebook

I am loving facebook. My friend told me about it a couple weeks ago because she just got engaged and she was going to put pictures up on her profile of the ring. I only have like 7 friends on there which has really made me reflect on my life. I can't believe that I can't think of friends I had back in high school. I'm pathetic! Facebook is so much fun though. You can take quizzes, there is a map that you can mark all the places you have been on it, there is so much fun stuff. I find more fun stuff everyday. I feel a little like I don't belong on there because it seems like everyone is single and in college and I don't really fit in having graduated, being married and having a daughter, but it is a lot of fun. If you want to be my friend on facebook let me know!

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    1 Comment:

    Deleted said...

    I like facebook too. I've seen people of all ages and status on there so I wouldn't worry about it. I don't have a lot of friends listed yet either. Here's my link if you'd like to add me.
