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Sunday, September 2, 2007

Photo Throws

There are a lot of fun to new products that you can personalize. I've seen bags that you can put pictures in, you can put pictures on your mouse pad or even on you mug. These are fun way to show off you family in creative way. There now is a way to put your loved ones on beautiful photo throws. These blankets have a soft microsuade top with plush fleece on the bottom. This makes them very soft and comfortable. The company that makes these is called Vision Bedding and they also have pet blankets and pillow that you can personalize. I actually have a personalize pillowcase. One of my roommates in college made all the girls in our apartment a pillow case with a bunch of our pictures and catch phrases from throughout the school year. It was such a great present, and I love that pillow. As I have been exploring the website there are many different sizes of bedding you can choose from. I think I am definitely going to choose one of the blanket to make for my daughters Grandma's for Christmas. I love this idea and I think you all will too.

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    1 Comment:

    Unknown said...

    Some years ago… maybe 6 years even… I booked a company by the name or “Smorty” to help me with my website ( search engine rankings. They did this by hiring bloggers like you, to write articles about my site.

    All went well for some time… till Google decided this practice was bad, and my site got hit with a bad links penalty.

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    Either way, if you could let me know the outcome that would be super.

    Thanks in advance
    Justin Poile
