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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hot Deals

I was just reading a yahoo news report saying that September is the month to buy your holiday airfare, hotels and everything else related to travel. The article said that right now is a little bit ahead of when people typically start thinking of buying their Thanksgiving and Christmas airfare and booking hotels, so it makes it the perfect time. The airlines don't start to raise their prices towards the end of October as Thanksgiving nears. This got me thinking that I need to start looking for my own air travel for Christmas and we have a wedding in the beginning of January we are going to.

Some other tips besides travel plans that the article offered is that September is a good time to buy cars because all the new next year's models are in and so dealerships will start offering great incentives to buy.

Jeans also tend to be on sale now as next year's fashions start rolling out onto the shelves. The article also said that dresses have been more in fashion this year and so stores have an excess of jeans they need to get rid of.

Plants and shrubberies are also on the hot deals list. Nursery's would rather discount their plants in stock instead of trying to save them for spring and risk losing everything. The article also said that the ground is still ward in September and will provide a great temperature for the roots to get strong before it start cooling down.

There were a couple other deals in the article that I can't think of right now. I am definitely going to heed the travel warning and book ahead. We are also excited about the plants being on sale. We are doing some landscaping and I look forward to checking out the nursery in town this weekend for some great deals! Happy shopping! Let me know what deals you find!

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