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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Carnival of Finance

It's Carnival time again! I haven't participated in a blog carnival in a while so a couple weeks ago I went through and joined a couple. Please check out this Carnival of Everything Finance. It has a lot of useful articles on everything from mortgages, to debt consolidation and handling money in general. This carnival will definitely enhance your knowledge of finances. Check it out and let me know what you think!

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    Anonymous said...


    Thanks for the comment on my blog. I've spent a few min. looking over your blog this morning. You have some really interesting stuff here. I'm pretty new to the blogging world. Can you explain about carnivals?

    RandomEncounters said...

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.

    A blog carnival is kind of a round up of articles of a certain subject. There are blog carnival about everything you can think of. You just submit a site to the carnival that fits the topic. Someone hosts the carnival on their blog and links to your post that you submitted. It's a great way to get a link to your blog and to generate some interest in your blog from a site where it may reach a different crowd than normal. is where I go to join blog carnivals.

    Anonymous said...

    So, it looks like you write the article, and post it on your own site. Then you submit the link for that post to the carnival host and they add it to an index of sorts.

    What do you owe the carnival host? A link back to the carnival index, I'm sure. Is there anything, I'm missing?

    RandomEncounters said...

    Yeah I just write a post with a link to the carnival and that is it! Some carnival hosts don't even require that, but I want to give a link because
    1. hosting a carnival is a lot of work
    2. I want people to go to the carnival to get to my article

    It's a lot of fun. I think you totally understand what a blog carnival is. Are you going to try one?
