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Friday, August 24, 2007

1 Week to go in Blog Contest

There is one more week in the subscribing blog contest going on. If you don't know about the contest here it is:

Subscribe to this blog and leave a comment here that you subscribed. On August 31 the names of everyone who has subscribe AND left a comment will be put in a hat and I will draw out a winner. The winner will be announced on September 1. The prize is a $15 gift card for Walmart Downloads. That website is comparable to itunes. Walmart has told me that you can use it as a regular gift card if that suits your needs better. So hurry and subscribe and leave a comment so everyone will be included. It's going to be tons of fun!

Don't forget that there is only one week until K8 ends her Wild Monkey scrapbook give away also! Check it out.

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    1 Comment:

    k8 said...

    re: the contest...i will contact each entrant and ask them to let me know the number of entries they calculate,then i will go back to each blog and double-check- i'm a speed reader!

    thanks for the mentions!
