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Thursday, August 30, 2007

We are living in a Digital world and I am a Digital girl!

It seems everything is becoming digital now-a-days. Our oven is digital, our refrigerator is digital. We have digital cable and phone. We have a digital video recorder which allows me to pause TV. How cool is that? Our camera is digital. I cringe at the thought that my daughter is going to grow up thinking cameras with film in them are from the "old days." I love my digital camera very much. I love to be able to take 20 pictures of the same thing just to make sure I capture the right shot, but then I don't have to print out all 20. I love being able to avoid the zoom finder with my LCD screen in the back of my camera. I love that my LCD screen is a swivel screen so I can even get those hard to position shots because I'm not restricted at all. What I hate about digital cameras (at least our situation, I'm hoping for some new ideas) is that my daughters whole life in on our computer. If anything happens to our computer then her childhood is gone! We have some pictures printed out, but that gets expensive very quickly. We took our 2GB card into Walmart a couple weeks ago to print out some pictures and 50 dollars later we didn't even get all the pictures printed out. Sometimes I want to go back to my film camera just so that I can't get carried away with the amount of pictures I take, and I'll have to make every short count because I won't want to waste film. We can't put all of her pictures on CDs because there would be hundreds of them. What do you guys do to backup your pictures? We need to do something because there are thousands of pictures on the line and I worry everyday that my computer will crash and that will be the end of it. Here is where I beg for all of your ideas on how to backup my pictures. Also if your idea requires buying something if you have a ballpark range on how much it would cost that would be great!! Thanks in advance for all the genious ideas I know that are going to come flowing in!

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