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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Random Is My Niche

I have heard time and time again that in order to have a successful website it needs to be in a specific niche. I have heard that blogs that are too broad don't do as well as those with a certain topic. It is true that I have certain blogs about certain topics that I count on for information, but it is also true that fun blogs with different articles are exciting to read also. I think I fall into that category.

Tonight at dinner I had a brilliant idea for a new catch phrase for Random Encounters of We. It will be: "Random is my Niche". I do not feel like I know enough about one subject to write a blog all about that one thing. I do feel like I know some things about a lot of things and so I'm sticking to my "random" concept and I'm going to be successful. I recently wrote an article about my thoughts on success and what that means to me so check out that article also.

If you take notice to my blog over its lifetime you will see a pattern of topics that do reoccur. I write a lot of money and financial matters. I have shared some blogging tips to help increase your website traffic and revenue. I also often share personal stories and experiences.

I want to start a trend. There have to be more people out there besides me that have a mixture of content on their blog and I want all of us like that to have a niche, it called random and it is just as good as any other niche!

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