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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Vacation to London

As we now enter fall and summer fades it is a great time to be going on vacation. Often times prices for vacations are more expensive in the summer because everyone is doing it. In the fall people are stuck because of school and things so the prices drop. That makes fall the perfect time to go on vacation. We are going on an Alaskan Cruise in September because we got such a great deal. But next fall my family is planning a huge trip to London.

I've been doing some research for that trip and looking into hotels and thing. My sister is mainly planning the trip but I'm going to pass on some links for London Hotels, Manchester Hotels and Birmingham Hotels.

I'm excited for the great shopping in London and the street markets. I've never been to Europe (although we're planning on going to Germany in November) so I'm very excited! Anything can be bought in London! There will be fantastic clothes, antiques, hand crafted items, it is going to be great. The shopping in Manchester and Birmingham will also be wonderful I'm sure. With hundred of restaurants and shops England is the perfect vacation this fall!

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