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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Fast Forward Through the Commercials

Nobody likes to read a sponsored post, unless it really applies to something going on in there life at the moment. I hate to read them, so I don't. Since I do participate in sponsored posts I can't nag on people for putting them on their blog. I understand that we are all just trying to make some money with our websites. I hope that my sponsored posts don't discourage you from reading my blog. Please just fast forward through the "commercials" on my blog instead of instantly leaving my blog. That would be much appreciated! Thanks!

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    1 Comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Hi. Good article. Your post here really struck a chord. I'm in the same quandary as yours. But then again sponsored post really do bring in a lot of money as opposed to the cpc advert. Well, I guess we just need to strike a balance and hope the readers won't be quite turned off.
