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Sunday, August 5, 2007

Can you say Vacation?

Well we are on vacation again. This time in Vail, Colorado. Now don't get the wrong impression on us. We don't usually have so many vacations planned in a year, this just happens to be a very fun year with a lot more vacations than normal. I'm loving it!

We are at a family reunion with my side of the family. We have been to this resort twice before and we like it so we have returned for a third visit. Colorado is a central location and a do-able drive for everyone in the family.

We have some fun things planned like shopping in Vail, going to the Glenwood Springs Adventure Park, Breckenridge, and much more. I'm very excited for things to begin. Most of the family has already arrived, we are waiting for two more families.

So if I don't post too much this is why. I hope you all have a great week and have fun travel plans this summer!

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