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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Pool is NO more

So here are the before, during, and after shots of our pool demo. It was really stressful while it was happening. They had a couple of trucks in the street and a huge pile of dirt in the street and so everybody who lived past us in the culdesac (sp?) couldn't get past our house and had to park in front of someone else's house. Because of this we made cookies for all the neighbors and dropped them off to say sorry. This is the second time we have disrupted the neighborhood. Hopefully the cookies smooth things over so no one hates us! Our side yard is completely trashed. We don't know if the grass will ever come back from being smash with the tractor so much. Also all of our planter boxes are pretty much ruined so we don't know if we'll take out all the plants and just put grass in or if we'll replant and try to get the planter boxes back. Who knows, but for now our backyard is very unusable.

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