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Monday, August 27, 2007

Cheap is Cheap

There are a lot of discount travel sites available on the Internet. When I am booking travel I usual turn to travelocity, orbitz, and cheaptickets. All the way back in February we booked a cruise for September using cheaptickets. We have been very much looking forward to it. Some of my family is also going on this cruise but they booked through a different website. We were able to get a better deal on the cruise than the rest of my family so I thought things were going pretty well for us. Last week the rest of my family received their cruise documents in the mail. This is very exciting when you receive your cruise documents because they talk about all the amenities on the ship, different shore excursions and basically your vacation as a whole. They also contain your special bag tags that will categorize your luggage from other people. For me, getting this packet of information is a lot of the fun leading up to the actual vacation. I always look forward to getting the cruise documents. Well when my documents didn't show up I finally decided to call Cheaptickets and find out what was going on. It turns out that Cheaptickets doesn't send you cruise documents in the mail. You have to print them out yourself. Including the bag tags. You print them out, cut them out and put them on your luggage. How CHEAP is that! I was fuming when I found this out and I told them they better mail all of that information to me because that was part of my fun. I didn't spend $3000 on a vacation to print out all the paperwork myself! So luckily for them they are sending me all the stuff in the mail, but from this experience I have learned I am NEVER using Cheaptickets again. Cheap is the keyword in Cheaptickets.

This is not a sponsored post. It is truly a rant from my life.

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    David said...

    That's good to know about I will stay away from them. We went on our first cruise in May and had a absolute blast! We ported out of Miami and went to Nassau, St Thomas, St Johns, and St Martin. I'm ready to go again... Where are you guy's going?

    RandomEncounters said...

    That sounds like a fun cruise to go on! We are going up to Alaska to cruise around there for 9 days! I'm very excited!! Thanks for your comment.
