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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Random Encounters of We Image

Close your eyes. Are they closed? No! Well close them! Ok open them (if you're eyes are closed you shouldn't be able to read that!) Just kidding. Hopefully everybody's eyes are now open.

When you close your eyes and think of Random Encounters of We, what do you think of? What do you see? We are wanting to have a banner designed for Random Encounters of We, but we don't know what we want the banner to look like. I thought I would get some input from the peanut gallery (that's you) and see what you think of Random Encounters of We. Any and all comments are welcome ( as long as they are appropriate of course). We need some help and the readers are the perfect people to ask for help! Thanks in advance!

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    1 Comment:

    Deleted said...

    I see a large group of people (like the images of people walking in NYC) and two of those people stand out in the crowd. For example the crowd is in black and white or sepia and the two people are in full color, or even in just one color, like pink. Just so they stand out. They might be together in the crowd or they might be in different places within the crowd.

    Anyway that's what I envisioned. :)
