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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Consistant in Improving

Lately I have really been focusing on improving this blog. Not only the content, but my stats. I'm am trying to get more links to my blog (if your interested in exchanging links leave a comment), build my readership and subscribers. A couple weeks ago I added the feedburner subscribers button. Ever since then my subscribers has been steady at 7. This is ok, because at least things have been consistent. Now I would like to consistently improve things however. I thought that if I made my readers aware that I am aware of my subscribers perhaps more people would be willing and excited to subscribe. This hasn't been the case yet, but I will continue to seek ways to help my subscribers increase.

I have started advertising this blog. I have put up offers for bloggers to write about Random Encounters of We on Sponsored Reviews. I have really enjoyed having Random Encounters of We reviewed from Sponsored Reviews. It has been fun to see what people have to say about this blog and the things they like about it. It will help bring in different readers since it has been different genres of blogs that have been taking the opportunity.I have also started an adword campaign to help bring in the readers. I think that as soon as my adwords budget is spent I won't extend that contract. I realize having an ad floating out there for people to click on and come to this website doesn't realize the purpose I am seeking. When they click the ad and visit this website they probably only stay for a couple seconds because perhaps it wasn't what they were looking for. I think that adword campaigns are the most successful for those that are selling a product or service, not just for advertising a website like this one.

I am also going to be starting blog competitions. The first competition will be starting in the next few days. It will be a subscribership drawing. When you subscribe to my blog you will be entered into a drawing to win a prize. I have some great end of summer prizes so everyone will for sure want to get involved in this.

All in all, things are improving. I'm trying new things. I have added some great content lately and am going to strive to keep that high standard. With all the advertising and the fun blog contests coming up, it will be clear that Random Encounters of We is definitely a great place to be on the internet!

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