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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Let's all be subscribers

I read a lot of blogs that offer tips and advice to succeed in the blogosphere. A lot of these blogs say that if you are personal, sincere, honest, and trustworthy then people will want to read your blog. I try to be personal and I am always sincere and honest and yet I don't have many subscribers or loyal readers. This blog has been around for almost a year and I have tried these things with not much success. Things are definitely better than they used to be but I'm not meeting the goals I was aiming for. Some of which include making at least $10/month with adsense, and having double digits subscribers. I thought surely by now this would be obtainable. So since I have tried the tips that "professional" bloggers have put out there what would your suggestions be? How can I make things better to improve my readership rates and adsense rates?

I'm trying a new method that is like the law of reciprocity. Perhaps if I subscribe to others' blogs and click on their ads that interest me then maybe the favor will be returned and more people will subscribe to my blog and click on my ads, after all, isn't this what we all want?

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    Abhishek said...

    hello Randoms,
    really a cool blog.
    i am searching partners for link exchange or/and technorati exchange.
    heres my link

    Do reply.

    Anonymous said...

    Don't feel bad... I started my blog as a hobby over three years ago and only now am trying to monetize it and make it into something quasi professional... It's a lot harder than I thought it would be!
