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Thursday, August 23, 2007


As I have previously mentioned I am trying some new techniques for advertising my blog and spreading the great news of Random Encounters of We. Bidvertiser recently sent me an email saying they were giving people $20 in ads to try out their services. I decided to sign up. I didn't expect much since google adwords isn't turning out very well. Surprisingly the Bidvertiser ad is going extremely well. I have seen my adsense revenue skyrocket since I've had my ad running. Given my adsense revenue wasn't very big I have been super excited at the steady stream of clicks resulting in over $3 per day. My unique visitor count has also increase. I used up the $20 allotment very quickly and so I've decided to use some of my own money and continue my Bidvertiser campaign for a week to see if the trend continues. I am so stoked that this ad campaign has worked well. If you are interested in checking out Bidvertiser and taking advantage of the free $20 ad promotion you can click on the Bidvertiser button on the right sidebar about half way down. Best of luck to your ad campaigns!

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    NurseJake said...

    hi there!

    How are you doing? nice to know youve wrote something about bidvertiser. Its my personal choice for ads. .

    Well, jsut dropping by to check out on you. ;)

    Happy Blogging!


    Blogger said...

    Are you looking to make money from your visitors using popunder advertisments?
    In case you are, have you ever consider using Clicksor?
