I thought I would help this blog out by participating in Sponsored Reviews as an advertiser. I listed this blog and have received a lot of offers. I had 10 offers done. I thought that perhaps by having 10 blogs that I hadn't formerly linked with talk about this blog that I would generate a new little buzz. This plan has brought a little bit of traffic, but nothing like I expected. What I have learned from my attempts at advertising this blog is that I need to logically think through what my goals for advertising are, and which outlet will provide me with the most "bang for my buck." While I enjoy having blogs review Random Encounters of We, it isn't accomplishing the job I wanted done. My next step in advertising this site will be through Link Referral. I'm going to buy a top listing position on that website and that should bring in a lot of traffic. Our friends over at Blog About Your Blog did this for a month or two and saw tremendous results. We can look forward to that plan being implemented in September. If you have any other suggestions to advertise this blog and get the word out please let me know!
Also, don't forget about our blog contest going on. Subscribe to this blog anytime between now and Aug.31 and you'll be entered into a drawing for a $15 gift card for music downloads! Be sure and leave a comment under the blog contest post so everyone will be included in the drawing! The winner will be posted and notified on September 1!
Technorati tags: advertising, blog, contest, traffic

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Seems like a pretty good idea my friend. Im sure its going to benefit your blog. ;)
As for me, i got to double my effort for traffic since we dont have paypal in our country. Thus, making money is not guaranteed until you reach 90 days blogging.
Well, goodluck with this endeavor my friend. Wish you all the best! Do drop by often on my blog again. ;)
can you please contact me regarding your experience with best quality movers? i can't reach them and i'm frantic -- courtandjen@gmail.com
as i wrote you can see about 1,000 visitors per month from it :)
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