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Monday, August 13, 2007

To Capitalize or not

I have this same struggle in my head every time I write a new post: should I capitalize the title of the post or not? Should I capitalize all the important words, just the first word, or none of it? My answer to the battle usually changes with every post. It depends on what I'm talking about, whether or not I view it as important and such. I think it probably doesn't make a difference to you, the readers, but for some reason I still have a little stress about it with every new post. Besides the capitalization stress, there is a more important decision: what to post?

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    1 Comment:

    Jill said...

    Just so you know, I do that with every single post that I write. There is no rhyme or reason as to which method I choose to go with but it does pose a bit of a stress problem before I hit the publish button. It's nice to know I'm not the only one out there who does this.
