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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Update on Best Quality Movers

Ever since I published my article on Best Quality Movers I have received a lot of emails from people who also experienced a lot of the hassles I experienced by using Best Quality Movers. I'm now on a quest to spread the word that they are possibly the worst moving company in the United States and should be avoided at all cost. Please click the link in this post to read the article I wrote about them. Because of copyright laws and things I can't reprint it on this website even though I wrote it. Please spread the word to all your friends and family to avoid Best Quality Movers. Beside my own awful experience if you look on the Better Business Bureau they have an 'F' so that is another good reason to not use BQM.

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    Anonymous said...

    I have also experienced the nightmare of BQM. I have called and emailed the company several times to receive zero reply. How do I file a claim form for my missing and broken items?

    RandomEncounters said...

    Anthem Claim Management in Anthem Arizona is in charge of the claims for damaged items. If you copy and paste this URL into your browser it will take you there.
    The problem is they just decide how much money you deserve, BQM is the one that actually cut the check, so who knows if you'll ever get it. I just filed a complain with the BBB and I am hoping that it will help me get my money. Good luck!
